Merge Sort

From: Wikipedia

An efficient, general-purpose, comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort. Mergesort is a divide and conquer algorithm.

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Class Sorting algorithm
Data structure Array
Worst case performance O(n log n)
Best case performance O(n log n) typical, O(n) natural variant
Average case performance O(n log n)
Worst case space complexity О(n) total, O(n) auxiliary

Merge Sort Gif


An example of merge sort. First divide the list into the smallest unit, then compare each element with the adjacent list to sort and merge the two adjacent lists. Finally all the elements are sorted and merged.

Merge Sort Gif


def mergesort(array)
    if array.count <= 1
        # Array of length 1 or less is always sorted
        return array

    # Apply "Divide & Conquer" strategy

    # 1. Divide
    mid = array.count / 2
    part_a = mergesort array.slice(0, mid)
    part_b = mergesort array.slice(mid, array.count - mid)

    # 2. Conquer
    array = []
    offset_a = 0
    offset_b = 0
    while offset_a < part_a.count && offset_b < part_b.count
        a = part_a[offset_a]
        b = part_b[offset_b]

        # Take the smallest of the two, and push it on our array
        if a <= b
            array << a
            offset_a += 1
            array << b
            offset_b += 1

    # There is at least one element left in either part_a or part_b (not both)
    while offset_a < part_a.count
        array << part_a[offset_a]
        offset_a += 1

    while offset_b < part_b.count
        array << part_b[offset_b]
        offset_b += 1

    return array

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