
Misc Commands

Commands that don't warrant their own page.


textutil -convert FORMAT <file>
textutil -convert txt <file>
textutil: [command_option] [other_options] file...
Command options are (-help is the default):
 -help          show this message and exit
 -info          display information about each file
 -convert fmt   convert each input file to format (txt, rtf, rtfd,
                html, doc, docx, odt, wordml, or webarchive)
 -cat fmt       concatenate input files into one output file
There are some additional optional arguments:
 -extension ext alternate extension for all output files
 -output path   alternate file name for first output file
 -stdin         read from stdin instead of files
 -stdout        send first output file to stdout
 -encoding IANA_name|NSStringEncoding
                encoding used for plain text or html output files
                (default encoding is UTF-8)
 -inputencoding IANA_name|NSStringEncoding
                encoding used to interpret plain text input files
                (by default encoding will be detected from BOM)
 -format fmt    force input files to be interpreted in this format
 -font font     specify font used for converting plain to rich text
 -fontsize size specify font size for converting plain to rich text
 --             specifies that all further arguments are file names

 -noload        do not load subsidiary resources for html files
 -nostore       do not write out subsidiary resources for html files
 -baseurl url   base URL for subsidiary resources in html files
 -timeout t     time in seconds to wait for html resources to load
 -textsizemultiplier x
                factor to apply to font sizes in html files
 -excludedelements "(tag1, tag2, ...)"
                html elements to exclude from html output files
 -prefixspaces n
                number of spaces to indent nested html output

 -strip         do not copy metadata attributes to output files
 -title val     title metadata attribute for output files
 -author val    author metadata attribute for output files
 -subject val   subject metadata attribute for output files
 -keywords "(val1, val2, ...)"
                keywords metadata attribute for output files
 -comment val   comment metadata attribute for output files
 -editor val    last editor metadata attribute for output files
 -company val   company metadata attribute for output files
 -creationtime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
                creation time metadata attribute for output files
 -modificationtime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
                modification time metadata attribute for output files


results matching ""

    No results matching ""