
From: Wikipedia

React is an open-source JavaScript library providing a view for data rendered as HTML. React views are typically rendered using components that contain additional components specified as custom HTML tags. React promises programmers a model in which subcomponents cannot directly affect enclosing components ("data flows down"); efficient updating of the HTML document when data changes; and a clean separation between components on a modern single-page application.

From: HackerNews

React brings two important ideas to web app development:

  1. The virtual DOM. When I'm writing jQuery-based code, I have to write both a component template and code that updates the DOM in response to input; when I'm writing code for a virtual DOM, the component template is sufficient to update the DOM and I don't have to write that extra code, so there are fewer chances for bugs to creep in.

  2. HTML-like syntax embedded in Javascript (JSX). I didn't like this at first until I configured Sublime Text to highlight embedded HTML correctly. Embedded HTML has pros and cons, but I think it's a net positive.

React projects also typically include new tech like ES2015, webpack, hot code reloading, and Redux with its time-traveling debugger. You can build your own stack that uses a virtual DOM library, embedded HTML, ES2015, and so on, but it's helpful to start with a common stack that many people understand. That's why React is interesting.



- actions
- components
- images
- reducers
- services
- utils
- app.js
/actions Flux action creators
/components These are all the JSX React components (the presentation layer) - so there are subfolders like "pages", "controls", etc.
/reducers These are Redux reducers - they're the logic that handles all of the application state
/services We use basic ES6 modules for services, with methods like "fetchUser(id)" which use the new JS Fetch API behind the scenes. We then have redux-thunk and redux-promise middleware so we can easily offload state manipulation to these services without actually putting state logic in them.



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